Today the largest games, either in console and PC use a large range of resources, putting these devices to run at maximum capacity and therefore also use a lot of electricity. And now, these types of inconveniences could change in the future on platforms Xbox , since Microsoft would be considering reducing performance.
As reported Windows Central , a new survey on the PC application Xbox , asks players about energy efficiency. It includes a series of questions about how concerned the players are for the use of energy. Since Game Pass on computer use enough elements.
Several of these questions refer to the possibility of letting a game lower its performance to use less processing power and, therefore, reduce energy use. This would be something positive, more than anything for those who only play on that platform, this can benefit a lot in the bimonthly charges of light.
Here are some of the questions to users:
In general, how would you feel if you had functions in the game that can optimize the configuration to save energy if you activate them?
Game settings could be things such as resolution, frame speed, visual effects or GPU.
In general, how would you feel if individual games automatically reduce the frame speed or resolution when the game is left inactive (to save energy)?
This could be a way of Microsoft that made with the consoles Xbox , since they now have their energy saving among their default options. So now the application of PC can surprise in the following months with said update.
Via: NGC
Editor's note: Definitely a decision can be one of the smartest, so the players can continue more hours hooked in the PC games. The best thing is that they will no longer have to leave so frequently due to fear of spending too much electricity.
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